Monday, November 14, 2011

Author Spotlight: Ashley

I want to give a huge shout-out to one of our very own blog authors, Ashley.  This woman is truly amazing.  And, that might be selling her very short!  She is a woman, a baker, cooker (I only use "chef" for professionals in the kitchen), wife, step-mom, counselor, and graduate assistant.  She is also in school working toward her doctorate degree.  She finished her Masters in April 2010 and began her doctoral work in August of 2010.  She is truly an inspiration. She pays it forward, thinks of others, and keeps in contact with her friends despite her busy schedule.  The reason for this spotlight is because I'd like to introduce to another side of Ashley.  She is now an entrepreneur.  She has started up her very own holiday bakery, Kris Kringle Christmas Cookies.  Follow her new blog AND on facebook.  Be sure to like her on facebook, as she gives yummy goodness to random fans each week.  And, since the holidays are truly just weeks away, place your orders now!!!